Pete Lesher
PETE LESHER is serving his second term on the Talbot County Council and currently serves as Vice President. He was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania, graduated from Lafayette College and holds a masters degree in history from Columbia University. He has served on the staff of the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum located in St. Michaels, Maryland since 1991 and currently serves as Chief Curator. At the Museum, Mr. Lesher leads a team that creates new exhibitions, and he has authored, edited, or contributed to exhibition catalogs, monographs, and periodical articles. He maintains frequent public speaking engagements on a variety of maritime history topics. Mr. Lesher’s other civic engagements include serving on the board of the Maryland Humanities, on the Maryland Heritage Areas Authority, on the Council of American Maritime Museums, and as an accreditation peer reviewer for the American Alliance of Museums. Past service includes Chairman of the St. Michaels Historic District Commission, Curatorial Chairman of the Talbot Historical Society, President of the Museum Small Craft Association, President of the Eastern Shore Association of Municipalities, and member of the Easton Historic District Commission. Mr. Lesher is a graduate of the Maryland Municipal League’s Academy for Excellence in Local Government. He is past council president of Grace Lutheran Church in Easton and a current member of the choir and worship leadership team. Mr. Lesher is a den leader with Cub Scout Pack 190 in Easton, an Eagle Scout, and a member of the Talbot County Public Schools’ Gifted and Talented Advisory Committee. Mr. Lesher lives in Easton with his wife, Mariana, and two children both of whom attend Talbot County Public Schools. Mr. Lesher serves as the Council's liaison to the Talbot County Free Library Board of Directors, Talbot Arts Council, Public Works Advisory Board, Talbot County Department of Social Services Board of Directors and the Upper Shore Aging Board of Directors.
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