Historic Preservation Commission
The Talbot County Council has long recognized the importance of saving its historic resources. In 1976 the County Council passed the Talbot County Historic District Ordinance to safeguard and preserve the rich heritage of the county by protecting historic properties and scenic landscapes. The Talbot County Historic District Commission was created at that time to administer the regulations set forth in that ordinance.
The Commission, now called the Historic Preservation Commission, consists of seven County residents appointed by the County Council for three-year terms. They are appointed on the basis of qualifications in architecture, history, historic preservation, advocacy, etc., according to standards established by State and federal programs.
The Commissioners' areas of interest are the villages and rural properties in the County, and County owned resources. Among its activities are the establishment of Historic District Overlay Zones, review of exterior modification to District properties and the nomination of properties for the National Register of Historic Places.
Meeting Times
Meetings are held at Talbot County Department of Planning and Zoning, 215 Bay Street, Suite 2, Easton in Conference Room 1. Meetings are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Agendas announcing the scheduled meeting are posted here. Public participation is welcomed and encouraged.
Current Members
- John Renda
- Earle Asche
- Holly Baldwin
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
- Vacancy
Agendas and Minutes
Talbot County Music Hall
In September 2004, the Historic Preservation Commission (TCHPC) conducted a study to identify significant design elements and materials both extant and missing in the Talbot County Music Hall, and to make recommendations for restoration and adaptive use priorities.
This project was managed by the Talbot County Department of Planning and Zoning in conjunction with the Talbot County Historic Preservation Commission (TCHPC), and was administered by the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT).
Related Resources
Introduction to Project
Architectural Synthesis
Building History
Recommendations and Preservation Plan
Water Oriented Villages Study
In June 2017, the Talbot County Department of Planning and Zoning contracted with Vision Planning and Consulting (VPC) to conduct a Phase 2 Study of four historic water-oriented villages in Talbot County: Neavitt, Newcomb, Royal Oak, and Tilghman Island. This project was managed by the Talbot County Department of Planning and Zoning in conjunction with the Talbot County Historic Preservation Commission (TCHPC), funded by the National Park Service (NPS) Hurricane Sandy Relief Fund, and was administered by the Maryland Historical Trust (MHT).
Related Resources
County Village Assessment (September 2017)
Neavitt Survey
Newcomb Survey
Royal Oak Survey
Tilghman Survey
Page last modified Friday, October 18, 2024 9:01:52 AM