The Talbot County Council has enacted a temporary burn ban due to drought conditions and extreme heat. For more information, visit

Legislation 2007-2019

Talbot County Terminates Burning Ban

Bills 1064 - 1104 (FY2007-2008 Capital Enabling Legislation) As Enacted and Enrolled 

Bill No. 1106 - Enacted 9/25/2007 - Fire Sprinklers

Bill No. 1108 - Enacted 11/13/2007 - Code Enforcement Procedures

Bill No. 1062 - As Enacted - Amendment to Talbot County Code Section 168-26, Interim Density Controls

Bill No. 1109 - Enacted 11/13/2007 - Purchase of Land for Relocation of Memorial Hospital at Easton

Bill No. 1110 - Enacted 11/13/2007 - Fund Interproject Transfer for Purchase  of Land for  Memorial Hospital at Easton

Bill No. 1111 - Enacted 12/18/2007 - Adoption of 2003 International Mechanical Code

Bill No. 1113 - As Enacted - Amendment to Section 168-29 Talbot County Code

Bill No. 1114 - As Enacted - Bill to Defer Effective Date of Bill No. 1106 (Fire Sprinklers)

Bill No. 1115 - As Enacted - Tourism Board Membership

Bill No. 1117 - As Enacted - Adoption of 2008 National Electrical Code




Bills 1118 - 1157 - As Enacted - FY 2008-2009 Capital Enabling Legislation

Bill No.  1158 - As Enacted -  Amendment of  Section 28-5 Talbot County Code (Standards for installation of fire sprinklers)

Bill No. 1159 - Failed  

Bill No. 1160 - As Enacted - Appointment of Hearing Officer

Bill No. 1161 - As Enacted - Authorization to enter into Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreements

Bill No. 1162  - As  reconsidered,  amended and enacted on April 14, 2009 - Phase II Talbot County Zoning Ordinance

Bill No. 1162 - Final Part 1 - Phase II Talbot County Zoning Ordinance

Bill No. 1162 - Final Part 2 - Phase II Talbot County Zoning Ordinance

Bill No. 1164 - (Electrical Licensing) Enacted 5/12/2009

Bill No. 1163 - As Enacted - FY10 Budget Ordinance

Bill No. 1165 - As Amended and Enacted on 7/28/09 - Small Wind Turbine Systems (Not to Exceed 150')

Bill No. 1166 - As Enacted - Adult Oriented Businesses

Bills No. 1167 - 1174 - As Enacted - Fy 2009-2010 Capital Enabling Legislation

Bill No. 1175 - As Amended and Enacted - Creation of Department of Emergency Services

Bill No. 1176 - As Amended and Enacted - Wireless Communication Towers

Bill No. 1176 - Map

Bill No. 1177 - Violations Talbot County Code - As enacted and enrolled

Bill No. 1178 - As Enacted - Priority Preservation Area Plan as required by Maryland Annotated Code

Bill No. 1179 - As Enacted - Bill to address Changes to Bill No. 1162 (Phase II Zoning Ordinance) as required by Critical Area Commission

Bill No. 1180 - Failed 3/23/2010

Bill No. 1181 - As Enacted -  Financing the Refunding of 1998 & 2002 County Public Facilities Bonds

Bill No. 1182  - As Amended and Enacted - 2010-2011 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance

Bill No. 1183  - Amendment to Chapter 20 Talbot County Code - Board of Appeals

Bill No. 1184 - As Enacted - Annual Meetings - Animal Control Board

Bill No. 1185 - As Amended and Enacted - Enactment Corrected  - Alcohol Awareness Training

Bill No. 1187 -1196- FY 2010-2011 Capital Enabling Legislation

Bill No. 1197- Appointment of Alcoholic Beverages Inspector

Bill No. 1198  - Salvia Legislation

Bill No. 1199  - Small Wind Turbine Systems (Not to Exceed 160')

Bill No. 1200 - As Enacted - Sexually Oriented Businesses

Bill No. 1203 - As Amended and Enacted - FY 2011-2012 Annual Budget Ordinance

Bill No. 1204 - As Enacted - Amendment to Chapter 73 Talbot County Code - Forest Conservation

Bill No. 1205 - As Enacted - Village Center Zoning Designations

Bill No. 1206 - 1211 - As Enacted and Enrolled - FY2011-2012 Capital Enabling Legislation

Bill No. 1212 - Alcoholic Beverages Ordinance Rewrite - As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled

Bill No. 1212 - As corrected and enrolled

Bill 1213 - As Enacted and Enrolled - Stormwater Management Ordinance  

Bill 1214 - VC Density Legislation as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bill 1215 - Curative Legislation for Bill 1212 - Alcoholic Beverages Ordinance Rewrite - as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1216 - Landscape Contractor - as amended - FAILED

Bill 1217 - FY 2012-2013 Annual Budget Ordinance - As Amended and Enacted

Bill 1218 - As Enacted

Bill 1219 - Talbot County Ethics Ordinance - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1220 - Authorizes Council to enact Burn Ban - As Enrolled and Enacted

Bills 1221-1225 - FY 2012-2013 Capital Enabling Legislation - As Enrolled and Enacted

Bill 1226 - Concealed Cell Towers - As Enacted

Bill 1227 - Bill to Create and Define Small Scale Subdivisons (SB236) - As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled

Bill 1228 - Sheriff's Salary - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1229 - Tier Land Classification System (SB236) - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1230 - POS Land Replacement - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1231 - Road Ordinance - DRRA as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1232 - Amend Procedures to Zoning Map Amendment Process - As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled

Bill 1233 - Floodplain Management Ordinance 2013 - As Enacted and Enrolled - with Editor's Note - 6/28/13

Bill 1234 - Residency Requirements - Dir. of Parks and Recreation and Dir. of Golf Course - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1235 - Septic Inspection and Maintenance - Failed

Bill 1236 - FY 2013-2014 Budget Ordinance - As Amended and Enacted  

Bill 1237 - Sheriff's Mutual Aid Legislation - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1238 - 1252 - Capital Enabling Legislation - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1253 - Bond - Easton Airport Sewer Project - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1254 - Claiborne Landing Shoreline Improvements - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1255 - Notice of Claims - As Amended and Enrolled

Bill 1256 - Bill to Repeal Local Sprinkler Legislation and to Adobt IRC and NFPA 13D - As Amended,  Enacted, and Enrolled

Bill 1257 - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1258 - Bond Legislative for Chespeake College Allied Health and Athletics Facility - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1259 - Cottage Industry - As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled

Bill 1260 - Bill to Amend FY 2013 - 2014 Budget - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1261 - FY 2014-2015 Budget Ordinance - As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled

Bills 1262-1286 (FY 2014-2015 Capital Enabling Legislation) - As Enacted and Enrolled

  Bill 1287 - (Pier Amendment Legislation) As amended, Enacted and Enrolled

 Bill 1288 (Real Property Investment Tax Credit)

Bill 1289 - (Bill to Amend Tier Maps for McDaniel, Wittman, Royal Oak, Bozman, Neavitt) FAILED

Bill 1290 - (Gross Floor Area For Minor Site Plan) As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1291 - (Collection of Monies Owed County) As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1292 - (MDE Permit Exemption) FAILED

Bill 1293 - (Variances of Special Exceptions Criteria) - As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1294 - (Critical Area Lot Coverage Text Amendment) - As Amended, Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1295 - (Critical Area and Zoning Map Amendments - 2014) As Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1295 - (Maps)

Bill 1296 - (Bill to Establish Inspection, Operation and Maintenance Requirements for OSDS) -  As enacted and enrolled

Bill 1297 - (Non-Pension Post Employment Benefits Trust) As enacted and enrolled

Bill 1298 - (MDE Permit Exemption) As Enacted, Enrolled and Approved by Critical Area Commission

Bill 1299 (Bond Refunding Ordinance - 2015) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1300 (Bill to Amend Classes H and J License - Alcoholic Beverages - Talbot County Code) as Enacted and Enrolled

Bill 1301 (Bill to Amend Class G License - Alcoholic Beverages - Talbot County Code) as Enacted and Enrolled

 Bill 1302 (Bill to Amend FY 2014-2015 Budget) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1303 (FY 2016 Budget Ordinance) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bills 1306-1319 (FY2015-2016 Capital Enabling Legislation as enacted and enrolled)

Bill 1320 (Historic District Overlay Zone- Millers House in Wye Mlls - as enacted and enrolled)

Bill 1321 (FY2015-2916 Budget Supplement Legislation) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1322 (Capital Enabling Legislation 2015) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1323 (STAR District Ord.) as amended enacted and enrolled

Bill 1324 (Clearview Parcels) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1325 (Repeal and Re-enact Flood Insurance Rate Maps) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1326 (Bill to Amend FY2015-2016 Budget) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1327 (FY2016-2017 Budget Ordinance) as amended enacted and enrolled

Bill 1328 (Floodplain Management Ordinance Update - as amended enacted and enrolled)

Bill 1329 (2016 Comprehensive Plan) as amended enacted and enrolled


                 Cover Sheet and Plan Content

Bill 1330 (Ordinance to Prohibit Littering in County Parks) as amended enacted and enrolled

Bills 1331-1345 (FY2016-2017 Capital Enabling Legislation) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1346 (Hearing Officers Authority) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1347 (Identical Density Legislation) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1348 (Parent Parcel Legislation 2016) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1349 (Expansion of Golf Courses in RC Zoning District)

Bill 1350 (Martingham USDA Loan) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1351 (Bio-Solids USDA Loan) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1352 (Solar Energy System Legislation) as amended enacted and enrolled

Bill 1353 (Amendment to MD Bldg. Performance Code - Pool Barrier Requirements) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1354 (Definition of in play area for Nonconforming Golf Courses in the Rural Conservation (RC) Zoning District)

Bill 1355 (Bill to Amend Bill 1327, FY2017 Budget Ordinance) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1356 (FY 2017-2018 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bill 1357 (LOSAP Death Benefit Amendment - April 2017) as enacted and enrolled

Bills 1358 - 1372 (FY2017-2018 Capital Enabling Legislation) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1373 (Bill to Adopt Bellevue Village Master Plan) as enacted and enrolled

Bellevue Village Master Plan

Bill 1374 (Bill to Adopt Tilghman Village Master Plan) as enacted and enrolled


Tilghman Village Master Plan


Bill 1376 (Village Boundaries) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Bill 1377 (Bill to Amend Chapter 11 Talbot Co. Code (Alcoholic Beverages) to Establish a Class I License for Alcohol Dispensary Bistros) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1378 (Bill to Amend 2016 Comprehensive Plan to Define Eligibility of Tier IV Parcels for Sewer Service) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Bill 1379 (Bill to Establish PACE Clean Energy Program) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1380 (Bill to Change Composition of Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - Dec. 2017) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1381 (Bill to Change Tourism Board Membership) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1382 (Bill to allow prepayment of 7/1/2018 - 6/30/2019 Talbot County Real Property Taxes)

Bill 1383 (Bill to Amend Bill No. 126 - Region 2 Sewer Rates) Other Uses - as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1384 (St. Michaels Sewer System - USDA Loan 2018) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1385 (Bill to Establish Annual Salary of Sheriff for Talbot Co. to Become Effective for Terms Beginning in and after 2018 - as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1386 (Bill to Amend Bill 1356, FY2018 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1387 (FY2019 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Bill 1388 (Bill to Approve Law Enforcement Mutual Aid Agreement Between Talbot County, Maryland, Talbot County Sheriff's Office and County Municipalities) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1389 (Amend Chapter 11 - Alcoholic Beverages - Park Set-off for Class I Licenses) as enacted and enrolled

Bills 1390-1400 (FY2018-2019 Capital Enabling Legislation) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1401 (Next Step 190 Zoning Text) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bill 1401 (Exhibit A - Next Step 190 Zoning Text Document) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bill 1402 (Zoning Maps) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1403 (Noise Ordinance) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Bill 1404 (Bill to Authorize a Sewer System for the Ferry Point Marina and Surrounding Areas) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1405 (Bill to Amend Ch. 11 - Talbot Co. Code - Alcoholic Beverages - Change of Supervisor of Alcoholic Beverages Inspector)as amended, enacted and enrolled

Bill 1406 (Bill to Amend Ch. 70 Talbot Co. Code - Floodplain Mgmt.- Electrical Subpanels Serving Private Piers in Flood Hazard Areas) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bill 1407 (Bill to Amend Ch. 121 - Talbot Co. Code - Public Landings) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1408 (Amendments to Ch. 15 - Talbot Co. Code - Animals) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1409 (Bill to Amend Bill No. 1387, the FY2018-2019 Annual Budget and Appropriation Ordinance)

Bill 1410 (FY2019-2020 Budget and Appropriation Ordinance) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Bill 1411 (Bill to Address Comments and Conditions of Approval Imposed by MD Critical Area Commission for Bill Nos. 1376 and 1401) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1416 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Add Marine Equipment, Services, and Repair) as enacted and enrolled

Bill 1417 (Bill to Amend Ch. 190 Talbot Co. Code - Amend Definition of Contracting, Building Trade and Construction) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution No. 141 - Enacted 8/28/2007 - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment to Revise Septage Management Plan

Resolution No. 142 - Enacted 8/28/2007 - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment - Extension of Service Area of Oxford Water and Wastewater System

Resolution No. 143 - Failed 8/28/2007 - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment - Extension of Region II Service Area to Tax Map 24, Parcel 75

Resolution No. 144 - Tabled on 8/14/2007

Resolution No. 145 - Enacted 8/28/2007 - Easton Airport Long Term Lease

Resolution No. 146 -   Resolution 146 Maps - Failed 12/18/2007

Resolution No. 147 - Enacted 12/18/2007 - Authorization of Sale of General Obligation Bonds ($25,020,000)

Resolution No. 148 - As Enacted - Region II Wastewater Treatment Plan Sewer Service Allocation Policy

Resolution No. 148 Region II WWTP Sewer Allocation Policy - As Enacted 2/26/2008

Resolution No. 149 - As Enacted - 2008 Ballot Question - Council Vacancies

Resolution No. 153 - As Enacted - Memorandum of Understanding between Talbot County, Town of Easton and Shore Health System, Inc.

Resolution No. 152 - As Enacted and Enrolled - Establishment of Graduated Fees - Growth Allocation Applications

Resolution No. 154 - As Enacted - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment - Extension of Region V Sewer Service Area - Map 38, Parcel 21, Lot 4

Resolution No. 155 - As Enacted - Moratorium on Telecommunications Towers

Resolution No. 156 - As Enacted - 2008 Ballot Question - County Council Compensation

Resolution No. 157 -  Easton Airport - Long Term Leases

Resolution No. 157 - Aegis Aviation, LLC - Lease

Resolution No. 157 - Dragonfly, LLC - Lease

Resolution 158 (CWSP Amendment - December 2008 - TCCC and Regional Healthcare Facility) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 159 (CWSP Amendment - December 2008 - Regional Healthcare Facility) as enacted and enrolled


Resolution No. 160 - (CWSP - December 2008 - Town of Oxford) - Failed on 4/14/2009

Resolution No. 161 -   Exhibit A - Rules of Evidence - Enacted 3/24/2009

Resolution No. 162 - (CWSP March 2009 Region V - Photo) - Enacted 4/4/2009

Resolution No. 163  - As Enacted - Extension of Moratorium on Telecommunication Towers

Resolution No. 164 - (CWSP - June 2009 - Region V) - As Amended, Enacted, and Enrolled

Resolution No. 165 - As Amended, Enacted, and Covenant - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment - Extension of Service Areas - Easton Water and Wastewater System

Resolution No. 166 -   As Enacted - Board of Electrical Examiners' Rules of Procedure

Resolution No. 167 - As Enacted - Extension of Moratorium on Telecommunication Towers

Resolution No. 168 - As Amended and Enacted on November 10.2099 and November 24, 2009 - Provisions for Regional Healthcare Zoning District

Resolution No. 169 - As Amended and Enacted - Annexation of County-owned property into Town of Easton

Resolution No. 170 - As Enacted - Extenson of moratorium on Applications, Site Plans, etc. for Adult Oriented Businesses

Resolution No. 171  - 2010 Ballot Question - Use of Unrestricted Capital Project Balances

Resolution No. 172 - As Amended and Enacted - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment (Carroll's Market)

Resolution No. 174  - Abandonment of Paper Street (Miles Haven Avenue, Easton, Maryland)

Resolution No. 175  - As Enacted - Establishment of Sewer Service Connection Policies (Unionville/Tunis Mills to Royal Oak Pump Station)

Resolution No. 176 - As Enacted - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment - New Chapter - Water Resources

Resolution No. 177 - As Amended and Enacted - Adoption of Solid Waste Management Plan

Solid Waste Management Plan - As Amended and Adopted

Resolution No. 178 - As Enacted - Amendment to Solid Waste Management Plan - Recyclable Materials

Resolution No. 179 - As Amended and Enacted Moratorium on Off-Sale Liquor

Resolution to Extend Moratorium  Enacted by Res. 179

Resolution No. 180 - Moratorium on VC subdivisions as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Resolution No. 181   - As Enacted - Petition to Abandon Paper Street (Kirk)

Resolution No. 182 - As Enacted - Petition to Abandon Paper Street (Korytnyk)

Resolution No. 183 - Hyde Park Annexation

Resolution No. 184 - As Enacted - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment - Proposed Memorial Hospital Property

Resolution No. 185 - As Amended and Enacted - Comprehensive Water & Sewer Plan Amendment (Kleppinger)

Resolution No. 186 - As Enacted - Petition to Abandon Paper Street (Prickitt)

Resolution No. 187 - As Amended and Enacted - Petition to Abandon Paper Street (Unitarian Universalist Fellowship)

Resolution No. 188 - As Enacted and Enrolled - Elmination to Village Center Board Term Limits

Resolution No. 189 - Bd. Of Education Redistricting as amended after Reconsideration  

Resolution No. 190 - Stormwater Management Process & Implementation Guide - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 191 - VC Moratorium Extension, as enacted and enrolled

Resolution No. 192 - Verizon Monopole at Easton Airport - As Enacted

Resolution No. 193 - CWSP Amendment - Region V Robertson Parcel

Resolution No. 194 - Abandonment of Paper St - As Enrolled and Recorded

Resolution No. 195 - 2012 Charter Amendment to raise Property Tax Revenue Cap

Resolution No. 196 - Cable Television Franchise Renewal Agreement - 2012 - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 197 - Resolution to Transfer Cable Television Franchisee - 2012 - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 198 - CWSP Amendment Sept. 2012 - Easton Spray Irrigation - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 199 - CWSP Amendment Sept. 2012 - Oxford Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 200 - A Resolution to Adopt a Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (DRRA) by and between Talbot County, the Town of Easton and Shore Health Systems, Inc. concerning approximately 199.149 acres of land located adjacent and to the west of the Talbot County Community Center

DRRA Exhibit - DRRA as signed and approved October 14, 2014

Resolution No. 201 - CWSP Amendment - March 2013 - Thorneton Rd, Royal Oak - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 202 - CWSP Amendment - March 2013 - Cahall Property, Aveley Farms, Easton - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 203 - CWSP Amendment - March 2013 - Easton Airport - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 204  - CWSP   Amendment- March 2013- Bio-Solids Facility Klondike Road -  As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 205 - Disposal of Clearview Rd Property - As Enacted adn Enrolled

Resolution No. 206 - Amend Talbot Family Network Bylaws 2013 - As Enacted

Resolution  No.  207 - Planning Commission Bylaws 2013 - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 208 - Disposal of Harrison St Property - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 210 - CWSP Amendment - February 2014 - Martingham - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 212 - Proposed Charter Amendment - Council salaries - As Enacted and Enrolled

Resolution No. 213 - SWMP Amendment - 20% goal

 Resolution No. 214 - WMP Amendment - Condominiums

Resolution No. 215 - Talbot Soil Conservation District - Fee Increase - 2014 as amended, enacted and enrolled

 Resolution No. 216 - CWSP Amendment - Sept. 2014 - Talbot Commerce Park, as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution No. 217 - Waiver of 5-year hold - Talbot Commerce Park, as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution No. 218 - Aphena Pharma Annexation - Waiver of 5-year hold, as enacted and enrolled

 Resolution 219 (CWSP Amendment - March 2015 - Region II - St. Michaels) as enacted and enrolled

 Resolution 220 (CWSP Amendment - March 2015 - Region V - Tilghman) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 221 (Long Term Lease of Land at Easton Airport to Easton Hangar, LLC) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 222 (Special Events Recyling Plan) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 223 (Proposed Weight Limits on Several Lanfill Access Roads) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 224 (Resolution to Approve Sale of County Owned Property - Clearview Lots) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 225 (Resolution to Approve Sale of County Owned Property - 130-142 N. Harrison St. Easton) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 226 (Resolution to Waive 5-Year Hold on 4659 Bachelor Point Road) as enaced and enrolled

Resolution 227 (Temporary Moratorium on Solar Array Energy Systems) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 228 (CWSP Amendment - 4659 Bachelor Point Rd. - June 2016) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 229 (CWSP Amendment - South Clifton - June 2016) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 230 (Proposed Charter Amendment) as amended - FAILED

Resolution 231 (Rules and Procedures for Public Information Act Requests) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 232 (County Roadway Construction Specifications) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 233 (Cable Television Franchise Agreement with Easton Utilities) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 234 (Waiver of 5-year hold - Easton Point) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution 235 (CWSP Amendment - September 2016 - Tier III-C) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 236 (CWSP Amendment - September 2016 - Shannahan Well) as enacted and enrolled 

Resolution 237 (Resolution to Authorize Transfer of Certain County Owned and Maintained Roads to the Town of Easton) as enacted and enrolled

 Resolution 238 (Resoulution to Commend Village Center Board for Completing Its Tasks and to Disband the Board) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 239 (Resolution to Transfer Portion of May Port Road) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 240 (Resolution to Amend Resolution 232 - County Roadway Construction Specifications) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 241 (Resolution to Amend Talbot Family Network Bylaws) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 242 (Resolution Authorizing Transfer of Elliott Road and Portion of Glebe Road to Town of Easton) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 243 (Resolution to Lease County Bldg to The Whalen Co.) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 244 (Resolution to Lease County Bldg to Maverick Trucking) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 245 (Resolution in Support of Designation of Portion of Census Tract 9603 in Town of Easton as Enterprise Zone) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

 Resolution 246 (CWSP Amendment - June 2017 - Easton Point) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 247 (Resolution to Waive 5-year Hold - Celeste Annexation) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution 248 (Resolution to Waive 5-year Hold - Brooks Lane Annexation) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution 249 (Resolution to Waive 5-year Hold - JDOliver Annexation) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 250 (CWSP Amendment - September 2017 - Bozman - Neavitt) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

Resolution 251 (Resolution to Authorize Transfer of Industrial Park Road to Town of Easton) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 252 (Res. Supporting Designation of Portion of Census Tract 9608 Village of Tilghman as Maryland Enterprise Zone) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 253 (Resolution for Lease of Space at Talbot Co. Business Center to Superior Staging & Redesign, LLC) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 254 (Resol. for Lease of Space at Talbot Co. Business Center to Talaria, LLC) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 255 (Resol. to Waive 5-Year Hold on Town of Easton's MXW District at Easton Point) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 256 (Resol. for Lease of Space at Talbot Co. Business Center to Global Vision 2020) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 257 (Resol. for Lease of Space at Talbot Co. Business Center to Easton Utilities) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 258 (Resol. for Lease of Space at Talbot Co. Detention Center to State of Maryland) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 259 (Resol. to approve Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan amendment for Town of Trappe - Howell Point Road  and development of new well and water treatment system) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution 260 (Resol. to Lease Space at TCBC to Kabam Studios) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 261 (Resol. to Lease Space at TCBC to Talbot Partnership) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 262 (Charter Amendment to Lift Revenue Cap from 2 to 2.5 Percent, Among Other Provisions) as amended, enacted, and enrolled - Submitted to the voters at the General Election.  Resolution No. 262 was not approved by a majority of the voters on November 6, 2018.  Therefore, the provisions of Resolution No. 262 will not take effect.

Resolution 264 (Expansion of Easton Enterprise Zone) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 265 (CWSP Amendment - Leeward Lane, Tilghman) September 2018 as enacted and enrolled 

Resolution 266 (Lease of Space at TCBC to APG Media Chesapeake, LLC) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 267 (Option to Lease Land at Easton Airport to Sky Harbour ESN, LLC) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 268 (CWSP Amendment - December 2018 - 26256 Miles View Road, Easton, Maryland (Milesview Village Condominium) as amended, enacted and enrolled

Resolution 269 (Option to Lease Land at Easton Airport to T-Mobile) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 270 (Lease of Space at TCBC to YMCA of the Chesapeake, Inc.) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 271 (Resol. to Adopt Rules of Procedure for Short Term Rental Review Board) as amended, enacted, and enrolled

 Resolution 272 (CWSP Amendment - March 2019 - County Capital Projects FY2020) as enacted and enrolled

Resolution 273 (CWSP Amendment - March 2019 - Town of Easton Capital Projects FY2020)


Page last modified Thursday, May 16, 2024 12:28:05 PM