Goldsborough Neck Road Capital Improvement Project


Project Investment $4,581,000 ($2.66M Local Funding, $1.55M Grant Funding)
Current Status Construction Phase of a multi-phase project
Next Steps Construction of culvert at Goldsborough Neck and Glebe Road Intersection
Project Schedule Anticipated to begin February 19, 2024.
Construction Duration Anticipated to be approximately 30 days, this project will require a road closure.
Project Manager / Contact Mike Mertaugh, Assistant County Engineer
Consultants / Partners

Davis, Bowen, and Friedel, Inc (Design)

David A. Bramble (Construction)


The culvert replacement portion project is located at the intersection of Goldsborough Neck Road and Glebe Road

Road Closure
Image shows road closure for Goldsborough Neck Culvert Improvement Project. The section of Goldsborough Neck Road between Glebe Road and Villa Road will be closed during the construction period.

Project Details


The Goldsborough Neck Road Improvement Capital Project funding was secured in Bill No. 1510 that amended Bills 1457, 1422, 1335, and 1317.

In 2016, the County expended $184,097.97 to complete emergency repairs to the Goldsborough Neck Road culvert near Villa Road. 

In 2018 to 2020, the County expended $657,529.42 to complete the road widening of Goldsborough Neck Road from the new Mistletoe Hall Farm Industrial Park to just east of Villa Road.

In 2023, the County received bids for the next portion of the project, the Culvert Replacement for Goldsborough Neck Rd and Glebe Road. Davis, Bowen and Freidel, Inc. designed the proposed improvements. David A. Bramble was awarded the contract for construction in the amount of $591,109.00. In addition, the project will require relocation of to two Verizon pedestals and replacement of cable so that the culvert replacement and limited road widening work does not impact the Verizon infrastructure in the amount of $72,864.42. 


Davis, Bowen, and Friedel install concrete headwall for culvert replacement project, March 2024. Photo courtesty of DBF, inc.

Related Meetings
Related Legislation

Page last modified Tuesday, June 11, 2024 12:25:35 PM