Council Meeting Highlights for March 12, 2024


Category: County Council

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Cadet Philip Horner of the Easton Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol received a Certificate of Recognition for having earned the Civil Air Patrol “General Billy Mitchell Award”.

Cadet Philip Horner of the Easton Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol received a Certificate of Recognition for having earned the Civil Air Patrol “General Billy Mitchell Award”.

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From left: Horner's Mother, Lt. Col. Archie DeJesus, Philip Horner, Council Member Stepp, Horner's father.

From left: Horner's Mother, Lt. Col. Archie DeJesus, Philip Horner, Council Member Stepp, Horner's father.

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The recognition for Mr. Callahan came as a surprise and was a special moment for the Council President during Tuesday’s meeting.

The recognition for Mr. Callahan came as a surprise and was a special moment for the Council President during Tuesday’s meeting.

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During Council Comments, Council Members surprised Council President Chuck Callahan with a Certification of Recognition for his 37 Years of Service as a member of the Easton Volunteer Fire Department.

During Council Comments, Council Members surprised Council President Chuck Callahan with a Certification of Recognition for his 37 Years of Service as a member of the Easton Volunteer Fire Department.

The Talbot County Council held their regular meeting on March 12, 2024, at 6 p.m.; all Council members were present.

Council Recognition of Cadet Philip Horner, Easton Composite Squadron

Cadet Philip Horner of the Easton Composite Squadron - Civil Air Patrol received a Certificate of Recognition for having earned the Civil Air Patrol “General Billy Mitchell Award” which recognizes cadets for sustained excellence in the areas of leadership, aerospace, fitness and character.

The Civil Air Patrol, an official auxiliary of the United States Air Force, created the Cadet Program to provide opportunities for youth to learn valuable leadership skills and the foundation of air patrol.

The first milestone of the Cadet Program is the General Billy Mitchell Award, which is earned after completion of the first eight segments of the cadet program. In addition, the cadet must pass a comprehensive 100-question examination covering leadership theory and aerospace topics. The award honors the late Brigadier General Billy Mitchell, an aviation pioneer, advocate, and staunch supporter of an independent air force for the United States.

Horner was joined by Lt. Col. Ramon “Archie” DeJesus, Easton Composite Squadron Commander, Civil Air Patrol, U.S, Air Force Auxiliary, and his parents.

For more information on the Easton Composite Squadron and the Civil Air Patrol: Easton | Civil Air Patrol Maryland Wing (

Update from Breezeline

Tami Allen, Mid-Atlantic Regional Director Operations for Breezeline, provided a brief introduction and an overview of Breezeline’s current service operations in Talbot County. New to the position, she stated that she would be the liaison for Talbot County for any questions or service-related issues.

Ms. Allen remarked there has been a 10% reduction in trouble calls in the county as a result of proactive programming, including power supply replacements, fiber installation, equipment updates, and offering different options of payment. She stated that Breezeline has also added direct shipping of equipment, thereby reducing the need for customers to drive to physical storefronts to receive equipment replacement.

Council inquired about Breezeline’s decision to remove WBOC from its cable lineup, and shared concerns about the frequency of complaints received from constituents regarding Breezeline’s services. Ms. Allen agreed to inquire about the cable lineup and offered her direct contact information to resolve customer service issues in a timely manner.

She also mentioned that the best way for constituents to receive immediate assistance is to call the Customer Support hotline at 888-536-9600 or download the Breezeline phone app and use the chat function.

Council Recognition of Council President, Chuck Callahan

During Council Comments, Council Members surprised Council President Chuck Callahan with a Certification of Recognition for his 37 Years of Service as a member of the Easton Volunteer Fire Department.

Mr. Callahan served as a member from 1984-1999, and from 2002 to present as a firefighter and trustee and has been a life member since October 31, 2007.

Upon receiving the recognition, Mr. Callahan stated, “The fire department has been a big part of my life, and still is…and it might be something I go back to once I end this career at some time. It’s always nice to fall back on something you really enjoy, and there are a lot of great people in that organization.”

The County is served by seven volunteer fire departments. Each year, the Council attends awards ceremonies to honor firefighters receiving Year of Service awards and other recognition. During the banquets, the Council also presents checks to each company, honoring the County’s commitment to support our volunteer fire service.  The recognition for Mr. Callahan came as a surprise and was a special moment for the Council President during Tuesday’s meeting.

Other Business

  • Andrea Waters, Transportation Grants Specialist and Henry Teets, Transportation Operations Manager, Upper Shore Counties, of Delmarva Community Transit (DCT), presented DCT’s FY2025 Annual Transportation Plan, laying out specific funding requests for their continued service to the community. Delmarva Community Transit provides fixed route bus services and direct route support for residents of Talbot, Kent and Caroline counties.  More information about the transit service can be found at Council unanimously approved the FY25 Plan as presented.
  • Resolution No. 354, introduced by Council Members Callahan, Haythe, Lesher, and Stepp, proposes to amend the Talbot County Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan to reclassify four parcels near Blueberry Acres (St. Michaels) from unprogrammed to “S-1”, immediate priority status. Each property will be allocated one tap-in to the public sewer system. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30 p.m.
  • Resolution No. 355, introduced by Council Members Callahan, Haythe and Stepp, proposes to amend the Talbot County Comprehensive Water and Sewer Plan to reclassify two properties on Bellevue Road from unprogrammed to “S-1”, immediate priority status. If approved, each parcel would be allocated one tap-in to the public sewer system. The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30 p.m.
  • Bill No. 1551, introduced by Council Members Callahan, Haythe, Lesher, and Stepp proposes to award 8.34 acres of supplemental growth allocation to the Town of Easton for property located at 28580 Marys Court (Easton) which has already been annexed into the town by Town Resolution 807.  County Attorney, Patrick Thomas, stated that the request is required since the Town of Easton has utilized all its growth allocation; if approved, the acreage will be subtracted from the total of 462 acres currently available to the County for supplemental growth allocation. The public hearing on Bill No. 1551 will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30 p.m.
  • Bill No. 1552, introduced by Council Members  Callahan, Haythe, Lesher and Stepp proposes to amend the Chapter 11 of the Talbot County Code, Alcoholic Beverages, to exempt  Thompson Park, located in the Town of Easton, from the 500-foot setback requirement for alcohol dispensaries This request is being made by Zach Smith, attorney on behalf of a local business looking to expand off-sale liquor sales within the 500-foot setback area which will require relocation of the bistro portion of the business; currently the business holds a Class “I” (off-sale liquor/bistro) license. The public hearing on Bill No. 1552 will be held on Tuesday, April 9th at 6:30 p.m.
  • Bill No. 338 was brought forward for vote. After discussion, and at Mr. Stepp’s request, Council voted to delay the vote until the Council meeting of April 9, 2024, to provide an opportunity for the Planning Commission to review and make a recommendation on Resolution Nos. 347 and 348 and their respective amendments
  • The County Manager presented one board nomination for the Council’s consideration:
  • Brian Moore, Superintendent, Roads and County Facilities, requested Council approval to award the contract for re-roofing of the County Office Building located at 215 Bay Street, Easton  to A.K.J. Inc. in the sum of $97,750 and to utilize Contingency Funds for the project which the Finance Director has certified are available.  The Council unanimously approved the request.
  • Brian Moore, Superintendent of Roads and County Facilities, requested Council approval to extend the contract for Bid No. 23-05, FURNISHING AND DELIVERY, WITH POSSIBLE APPLICATION OF CRS-2L, EMULSIFIED ASPHALT WITH POLYMER, with Slurry Pavers, Inc., d/b/a Asphalt Emulsion Industries, LLC , the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, through June 2025.  The Council unanimously approved the request.
  • Trappe Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. requested a Letter of Support for their application for Congressionally Directed Spending; if received, the funding will be used toward the replacement of the current firehouse in Trappe. No County funds are required. The Council unanimously approved the request.

The Talbot County Council will hold FY25 budget deliberations beginning on Thursday, March 14 at 4:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 19 beginning at 5 p.m.  and again on Thursday, March 21 beginning at 4:30 p.m. in the Bradley Meeting Room. Additional deliberation is expected, all times can be found on the County Website. The meetings are open to the public.

The Council will be holding two work sessions on Tuesday, March 19 in the Bradley Meeting Room:  4:00 p.m. to discuss draft legislation concerning cannabis regulations and at 4:45 p.m. to discuss proposal for oyster nutrient trading credits.

Council’s next legislative meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Bradley Meeting Room located in the South Wing, Talbot County Courthouse, 11 North Washington Street, Easton.  The meeting is open to the public.

council highlights budget proclamation roads civil air patrol


Page last modified Friday, May 3, 2024 11:38:20 AM